google drive Link to heading

  • It is an online strorage solution launched by Google in April 2012, which is primarily used for file storage and backup, but it is also a popular tool for project collaboration by bussinesses, schools, and individuals (Stephenson, 2021).
  • It is a cloud-based storage solution that allows you to save files online and access them anywhere or upload files and edit them online from any smartphone, tablet, or computer securely (Nolledo, 2020).
  • It is a cloud storage service, which its primary function is to take some load of off your hard drive by uploading your files to cloud storage remote servers and freeing up space on your computer, that leaves more space on your devices for more important things, like installing large apps and games (Kochovski, 2023).

web vs desktop Link to heading

  • The most common way to access Google Drive is through a web browser or using the web app, but in order to taste the full power of Google Drive it is recommended to install the desktop app, where the installation process is straightforward (Thornton, 2017).
  • Web apps are platform independent since they requires only web browser, while desktop apps need to be developed separately for different platform machines, but the first rely heavyly on internet connectivity and are at higher security risks, while the later can work offline and have better authorization (Rana, 2021).
  • Web app elimininates the need for installation on the physical machine, since it install the program on a remote server, allowing users to access it service using a web browser and network aceess, while dekstop app must be downloaded and installed on the machine but after that it can work with or without internet access and a browser (Desai, 2022).

pros and cons Link to heading

  • As it is published Google Drive has already some pros and cons (Paul, 2012), but it is going better since it is still evolving.
  • File access anywhere and anytime, instant access to edit files, compatibility with various devices, files quick search, simplicity in shring files, comment feature for discussion, some free storage space, best user interface, file management and organization, files backup, optical character recognition, and secured files can be considered as pros of Google Drive (Sahoo, 2022).
  • Security risks, internet connection requirement, dailty upload limit, file size limits, downloading and uploading speed, and Google browsing content saved in Google Drive can be considered as cons of it (Weis, 2021).

be aware of Link to heading

  • Removed shared folders or files reappearance might be a loophole of Google Drive leading to unintended or intended harassment (Notopoulos, 2019).
  • Automatic rendering of Google Docs to HTML code could mislead users to custon HTML designed as Google Docs, and make users click to download the document and they will be redirected to malicious pishing website, where their credentials will be stolen through Google login portal-like webpage (Sjouwerman, 2023).
  • RAR, ZIP, and JAR files containing Malware stored in Google Drive are used to enter goverment, research, and academic institution network as performed by Chinese hackers (Balaji, 2022).

prohibited content Link to heading

  • All Google services prohibit you from uploading files related to following but not limited types of content, such as child sexual abuse, unathorized images of minar, illegal activities, bullying & threats, content violent & bloody, identity theft & pishing, malware & viruses, personal & confidential information, and spam (Bakker, 2022).
  • There are illegal file sharing services using Google Drive, Dropbox, and MEGA (Morse, 2017), which include audios, videos, ebooks, softwares, and others, that violate the Digital Millennium Copyright Act or DMCA.
  • Google sets a new policy that it will restrict access files violating its policies and prevent them from being shared in the process, where owner will still have full acess, but sharing privileges will be revoked, even if someone already has a link (Pritchard, 2021).

web apps used (most) daily Link to heading

  • Linkedln, Evernote, Gmail, Google Calendar, Facebook Messanger, Google Workspace (Docs, Sheets, Slides), Google Maps, Amazon Prime Video, Instagram, Pocket (Read-it-later app), Trello, Dropbox are 12 examples of web apps (Sambells, 2023).
  • Google Workspace offers various types of drive, where Google Drive is one of them (Valiant, 2021)
  • Google Workspace includes all the productivity apps, such as Gmail, Calendar, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Meet, and many more, which make it the best way to create, communicate, and collaborate (Soltero, 2020).