Since writing research papers does not not come naturally to most of people (Perneger & Hudelson, 2004), there is any simple formula for getting a work published in an academic journal, but at least there are some tips for it (Guardian, 2015). By following some suggested guidelines and avoiding common errors, even novice authors can make the publication process streamlined and success (Hoogenboom & Manske, 2012). To make it more structured universities provide science writing course, such as in Standford university, Nature Research, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Duke university, and a scientist personal site (, 2019). And in Institut Teknologi Bandung, there is NT6094 Scientific Journal Writing for guiding graduate students in publishing their work.

nt6094 Link to heading

Syllabus of the course states

This lecture contains knowledge about the procedures for writing scientific papers which are suitable for publication in scientific journals and how to submit papers to a scientific journal.

It is delivered two hours a week or 2 credits.

first day Link to heading

Today is the first lecture in 9521 room, CAS building.

  • Information about Edunex and GitHub for this course.
  • How to find intersection between mature fields, which could induce new field.
  • Hourglass structure in article and microstructure in abstract.
  • Computation and theoretical portion of a research, from ab-initio to empirical study.