As a mathematical branch of physics, kinematics uses equations to describe motion of objects, specifically objects’ trajectories, without referring the forces that cause it (Beck, 2020). One way to study it is by performing various simple experiments (Carolina, 2010). Estimating motion of vehicles at intersections is one of kinematics application (Ahn & Kim, 2008). Following are examples of kinematis, and actually also with the help of dynamics, written in JS.

  1. Cluster compaction of two-dimension spherical particles binary mixture as model of forming process of an asteroid • manuscript

  1. Agent-based Model and its Potential in Simulating Some Physical Systems • simulationmanuscript

  1. Aggregation of two-dimensional composite grains due to self-gravitation • simulationmanuscript

  1. The granular buoyant force in a two-dimensional intruder-particles bed system • simulationmanuscript

  2. Simulation of Semi-Autogenous Grinding (SAG) Mill using Circular-Disks-based Model • simulationmanuscript

  1. Visiting rest area between two cities with agent-based model • simulationmanuscript

  1. Constructing origin-destination matrix (ODM) using agent-based model (AMB) in multiple points commuting system • simulationmanuscript