The course is 4 (1) credit hours, 4 for lecture and 1 for laboratory activities, and given at the first semester for most of all bachelor programs of an institute of technology (Fisika, 2021). And as the main reference it uses the textbook Principle of Physics, 10th Edition International Student Version with about 1320 pages (Halliday et al., 2014). A draft of week plan is available (Mahardika et al., 2023) and there are also some slides for personal use from a physics professor (Iskandar, 2022). Then, even that you are working with a 15-week semester, there is another approach by designing a 12-week plan (Talbert, 2022).

Figure 1. Example of connected system (Viridi, 2021).

fifteen-week plan Link to heading

Following are plan for 15 weeks, including final project, but excluding mid and final exams. List of chapter of the main reference is available (Markets, 2015). The course begins on the third week of August and ends on first week of December 2023.

  1. 21.08-25.08 Point mass kinematics1: Elementary Physics 1A overview, review on vectors, position, velocity, and acceleration, understanding of motion parameters in equations and graphics. Ch 1, 2, 3, 13.
  2. 28.08-01.09 Point mass kinematics 2: Kinematics equations, motion in 1, 2, 3 dimension, relative motion, graphical analysis for a motion. Ch 4.
  3. 04.09-08.09 Point mass dynamics 1: Inertia, Newton’s laws of motion, free body diagram, application on system at rest and moving system. Ch 5.
  4. 11.09-15.09 Point mass dynamics 2: Friction, normal, tension, Newton gravitation forces, stacked, hung, and connected systems, circular motion, centripetal force. Ch 5, 6, 13.
  5. 18.09-22.09 Work and energy: Work, kinetic energy, Work-kinetic energy theorem, potential energy, conservative force, law of conservation of mechanical energy, nonconservative force. Ch 7, 8.
  6. 25.09-29.09 Linear momentum: Momentum and impulse, system of particles, collision, law of conservation of momentum, motion of center of mass, average force. Ch 9.
  7. 02.10-06.10 Rigid body 1: Statics and dynamics of rigid body, Newton’s law for rotation, angular kinematics equations, analogy between linear and rotational motion. Ch 10.
  8. 09.10-13.10 Rigid body 2: Dynamics of rigid body, rolling, torque, translation + rotational motion, angular momentum, rotational kinetic energy, law of conservation of energy. Ch 11, 12.
  9. 16.10-20.10 Elasticity and oscillation: Stress, strain, Young, shear, and bulk moduli, harmonic and damped oscillations, resonance. Ch 12, 15.
  10. 23.10-27.10 Mechanical wave: Wave equation, solution of wave equation, wave on string, sound wave, superposition principle, stationary wave, resonance, Doppler effect. Ch 16, 17.
  11. 30.10-03.11 Hydrostatics and hydrodynamics: Hydrostatic pressure, Archimedes force, volume flow rate, continuity equation, Bernoulli’s principle, surface tension, capillarity. Ch 14.
  12. 06.11-10.11 Kinetic theory of gases: Ideal gas, theorem of equipartition of energy, internal energy, temperature, heat, heat capacity. Ch 18, 19.
  13. 13.11-17.11 Zeroth and first laws of thermodynamics: Laws of thermodynamics, general quasistatic process, special processes (isobaric, isochoric, isothermal, adiabatic, free expansion), heat, work, p-V diagram for state, process, and cycle. Ch 18, 19.
  14. 20.11-24.11 Second law of thermodynamics: Process and cycle, efficiency, 2nd law of thermodynamics with Clausius, Kelvin, Carnot, introduction to entropy, heat engine and refrigerator. Ch 18, 20.
  15. 27.11-01.12 Research-based learning: The topic is to be announced. Ch 1–20.

laboratory practice Link to heading

There are some laboratory sessions, that must be attended by students. Not all students have the same modules. Available modules are as follow (LFD, 2021).

  1. Basic measurement and uncertainty.
  2. Simple harmonic motion: Spring oscillation.
  3. Simple harmonic motion: Mathematical pendulum.
  4. Simple harmonic motion: Physical pendulum.
  5. Moment of inertia.
  6. Young modulus.
  7. Torsion modulus.
  8. Atwood machine.
  9. Dynamics, work, and energy.
  10. Sound wave resonance.
  11. Stationary wave on string.
  12. Rolling down a ramp.
  13. Momentum and collision.
  14. Work and energy 2.
  15. Stationary wave on string 2.
  16. Momentum and collision 2.

Further information about the session can be found by visiting the lab.

evaluations Link to heading

There are some evaluations for this course, which are mid and final exams + remedial one, some quizzes and assignments, set of laboratory practice, and a research based learning project performed of group of students, where each evaluation components has its certain weight (Mahardika & Akbar, 2023). The final score before it is mapped to A, AB, .., E, would have sort of following form

$$ S = w_1 E_1 + w_2 E_2 + w_3 E_3 + w_q Q + w_l L + w_r R $$

where E₁ — E₃ are for exams, Q is for average of quizzes and assignment, L is for average of laborarory practice, and R is for the research based learning project. And the weights are normalized

$$ w_a + w_b + w_q + w_l + w_r = 1, $$

with a, b might be 1, 3, or 2, 3, the best two of three if a student has to take the remedial but when not they are simply 1, 2.

And for numeric values (0–100) to letters conversion (A, AB, B, BC, C, D, E), the boundaries might be 75, 68, 60, 55, 50, and 45, e.g. 54.5 would be mapped to C.

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